Fillings & Inlays
Composite Fillings
At Surrey Hills Dental Centre, we are amalgam-free because there are superior ways to fill your tooth or restore damage brought on by decay, trauma or inherited defects. Our time-proven techniques are individually formulated for you, so you receive the best restorations for your given situation.

Further to our predictable techniques, we also use the finest materials to ensure a beautiful tooth-coloured restoration. As a result, composites strengthen and aesthetically blend in with your existing tooth, so they are barely visible. Inquire about why & how you can replace those silver amalgam fillings.


Have you been told by your dentist you need a crown but were wondering whether there is another long-term alternative? Inlays are excellent filling replacements, without the unnecessary reduction of sound tooth structure.
Inlays can be made of a variety of materials including porcelain and gold. However, they are technically more demanding and possibly more time-consuming than crowns. So ask yourself: is the health of my tooth worth getting a second opinion?
Mon: 08:30am-5:00pm
Tue: 10:00am-7:00pm
Wed: 10:00am-2:00pm
Thu: 08:30am-6:00pm
Fri: 09:30am-2:00pm
Sat: 09:00am-1:00pm